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How can we find an LGBTQ-friendly doctor who takes our insurance?

Every plan sold in the Marketplace must provide a link to its directory of health providers. If you already have an LGBTQ-friendly provider that you know and trust, you can use this directory to find out if your provider is included before you sign up for coverage.

To find an LGBTQ-friendly provider, check out this list of providers by GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality. A search for “Community Partners” on this list will also identify LGBT community health centers across the country. (GLMA does not screen each provider and therefore cannot make any guarantees about their services, but all providers on the list have affirmed their commitment to LGBT health as a condition of being listed in the directory.) You can also check out RAD Remedy, a directory that helps connect transgender, gender nonconforming, intersex, and queer people to accurate, safe, respectful, and comprehensive care.

If you are living with HIV/AIDS, we also recommend that you contact your local Ryan White program to see if you qualify for additional financial help or benefits. Depending on your state, the Ryan White program may help lower your monthly premiums or your out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs. Contact your local Ryan White program to learn more about your options and the benefits you might qualify for.

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