I recently got married – what does this mean for my health insurance?
Congratulations! You and your spouse have 60 days to consider your options: you can enroll through the Marketplace as a family, join your spouse’s Marketplace plan, or enroll in separate Marketplace plans. You may also be eligible (as a couple or as individuals) for financial help to afford a plan. Once you are enrolled, your coverage will start on the first day of the next month and you’ll be off to a happy, healthy future.
Congratulations! You and your spouse have 60 days to consider your options: you can enroll through the Marketplace as a family, join your spouse’s Marketplace plan, or enroll in separate Marketplace plans. You may also be eligible (as a couple or as individuals) for financial help to afford a plan. Once you are enrolled, your coverage will start on the first day of the next month and you’ll be off to a happy, healthy future.